I lead teams who design world-class products.

Creating value for customers through research-driven design.

Design advocacy

I continually champion design-lead initiatives which have consistently outperformed those without design thinking in terms of revenue growth and customer satisfaction. As a result, my abilities have been endorsed by engineering and product leaders.

B2B SaaS

Specialised in building enterprise-grade platforms, with features focused on logistics, analytics, and customer satisfaction. I understand how businesses operate and how people work, an invaluable skill when designing products for people to use in their own jobs.

Reducing risk

My education in computer science and previous experience in project management enables me to collaborate across the full product & engineering team. This understanding also facilitates quick problem solving to meet outcomes for the business.


Teaching designers on how they can validate impactful solutions through the alignment between qualitative and quantitative data analysis.

Creating a design system

How can a system enable product teams to work together efficiently while creating a consistent design across a decade-old platform?

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Transitioning from decline to growth

How can we transition our hospitality-focused online reputation management platform to an industry-agnostic feedback analytics platform?

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Modernising review text analysis and visualisation

One of our main value propositions was falling flat, so we needed to evolve with the times.

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